Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Explanation Text

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Name : Rizky Aulia Ryalvin
Class   : X Science 2
Absent : 35

General Statement
      Muscles are tissues inside the body that has function as the active movement organ. It contains two special protein, which are actyn and myosin, so it can contract and relax. The contraction and relaxation of muscles is moved the bone that connected with the joints so it can create movement. At the end of the muscles are the tendons. Tendons are the connective tissue that connect the bones and muscles. Muscles which have two tendons at the end are called biceps.  Meanwhile if it have three tendons at the end are called triceps. There are two types of muscles works, there are antagonistically and synergically.
      Two or more muscles that work in opposition to another is called antagonistically. An example of antagonistic muscles is found in the upper arm. We need two muscles to move the upper arm, the biceps and the triceps. If the bicep contracts, the tricep will relax (extend) so the lower arm is lifted. But if the tricep contracts, the bicep will relax so the lower arm will straight again. In this case, the bicep serve as a flexor (to bend) and the tricep as an extensor (to extend).
        Two muscles that work in the same way, which is to contract or extend together while moving the bones is called synergistic muscles. An example of synergistic muscles is found in the palm hand, called the pronator muscles. It is consist of two pronator muscles, the pronator teres and pronator quadrates. It contract and relax together to lift the palm of hand up or down. Other examples of synergistic muscles are found in the chest, calf, stomach, and thigh muscles.
       Thus, the muscles moved the body in two ways, which are contract and relax in opposite (antagonistically) or same way (synergically).

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